Zoella's Top 10 Videos of 2015

Zoe Sugg, better known as Zoella, had an incredible 2015 she even posted an emotional piece about it on her blog where shechronicled her exciting year, full of ups and downs, and did so with honesty and humor. Zoella is much more than just a youtube star now shes someone a lot of

Zoe Sugg, better known as Zoella, had an incredible 2015 – she even posted an emotional piece about it on her blog where she chronicled her exciting year, full of ups and downs, and did so with honesty and humor.  Zoella is much more than just a youtube star now – she’s someone a lot of young women look up to, as well as a published author, youth ambassador, and respected vlogger.  Zoella’s main youtube channel focuses mainly on beauty, fashion, and favorites and we compiled her 10 best videos of 2015 for you to watch!

10. Autumn Makeup

In this vlog Zoe gives you an every day autumn makeup look to try.  The look is simple, easy to follow, and totally smashing – definitely something for every day wear that’s easy enough for her viewers to follow.  The video 3,923,812 views with 208,674 likes and 1,971 dislikes – it was posted on September 7th of 2015.

9. Having Babies & Annoying Alfie

This Q&A video posted by Zoella was a hit with her fans! She stars off by debuting a new hair style – which looks adorable – before answering some fan sent questions.  She talks about her desire to be a mum, just not yet, and her love for Caleb from PLL (us too Zoe!) before she talks about the thing that probably annoys Alfie (her beau) most about her is her habit of making tidy piles and then never taking them where they need to go.  We can relate there, too!  This video has 3,940,966 views with 192,891 likes and 1,489 dislikes – it was posted on March 29th of 2015.

8. In-Flight Travel Essentials

Zoe shows us her favorite in-flight travel must haves and her favorite travel bag.  She takes along her sunglasses, gum, cozy socks, a travel pillow, and some other favorite odds and ends.  This video is perfect for a new traveler, or an experienced one who forgets some items here and there!  This video has 4,684,071 views with 172,583 likes and 1,718 dislikes – it was posted on February 2nd of 2015.

7. The Suggs’ Home Videos

This has to be one of our favorite videos!  Zoe sits down with her brother and they tape themselves watching old home movies.  They take opportunities to laugh at themselves, one another, and to also look back at some sweet moments in their childhood!  This video has 4,896,609 views with 286,037 likes and 1,359 dislikes – it was posted on June 1st of 2015.

6. Giving Tyler Oakley A Makeover

This video is quite self explanatory – Zoe decided to give Tyler Oakley a make over just for fun!  Tyler laid out the vibe he was going for “dramatic pop-queen diva” and Zoe went for it!  The two joked around through the entire video as she explained some basic make up tips.  This video has 4,904,352 views with 299,742 likes and 1,716 dislikes – it was posted on August 5th of 2015.

5. Old Embarrassing Photos

Zoe started this video by saying her father found a disc of old embarrassing photos that would be good for her to look back on and laugh.  She had Alfie look through photos and pick some for her to show as she vlogged the experience.  Watching Zoe laugh at herself as she looked at these pictures has us wanting to do the same thing!  This video has 5,133,253 views with 258,331 likes and 2,152 dislikes – it was posted on July 13th of 2015.

4. Boyfriend Does My Makeup

In this video Zoe and Alfie get together and talk about the first video they ever filmed together – one of them doing the others make up.  They get a bit distracted when Zoe finds a mole on Alfie’s lip and they get into quite a giggle fit.  For this video Zoe asks Alfie to actually try to do her make up properly and she looks great!  Zoe says her eyes look very small and Alfie stands firm that he did a lot of work there – but over all it was a success.  This video has 6,079,131 views with 247,543 likes and 2,241 dislikes – it was posted on July 26th of 2015.

3. “Stuff Your Mouth” with ThatcherJoe (My Brother)

This video shows Zoe and her brother Joseph playing the stuff your mouth challenge where you’ve got to stuff your mouth full of marshmallows before trying to describe a character to the other person.  This is quite hilarious – both Zoe and Joseph are crying they’re laughing so hard and we’re right there with them.  This video has 6,185,241 views with 365,299 likes and 2,082 dislikes – it was posted on April 5th of 2015.

2. The Yoga Challenge with Caspar Lee

This video stars with Caspar and Zoe getting ready to do different yoga poses together.  They believe they’ll be the best at it and as the video progresses we’re met with some good poses but some even better comedic relief.  This video has 6,710,258 views with 332,830 likes and 1,946 dislikes and was posted on April 19th of 2015.

1. Best Friend VS Boyfriend

In this challenge Zoe gets her best friend and boyfriend together to find out who knows her best she says the winner gets to keep her in their life and the loser is out.  Watching the two try to figure out who knows her best is hilarious throughout and you can tell that the three of them all have a close bond!  This video has the most views for Zoe for 2015 and it’s easy to see why – it’s hilarious.  The video has 8,608,164 views with 395,071 likes and 3,471 dislikes – it was posted on February 23rd of 2015!

We hope you enjoyed Zoella’s 10 best videos of 2015 – we had a blast recapping them for you!

