WWE referee Aja Smith marries released superstar

WWE referee Aja Smith tied the knot with former NXT title holder Leon Ruff. In October 2020, Leon started his career in WWE as part of the NXT brand. Almost immediately, he successfully captured the North American Championship from Johnny Gargano, which he would later lose during Takeover: War Games. Despite the accolade, Ruff was

WWE referee Aja Smith tied the knot with former NXT title holder Leon Ruff.

In October 2020, Leon started his career in WWE as part of the NXT brand. Almost immediately, he successfully captured the North American Championship from Johnny Gargano, which he would later lose during Takeover: War Games. Despite the accolade, Ruff was released from his contract in August 2021, ending his career after only 10 months.

In a recent tweet by WWE official Aja Smith, she shared a photo of her new groom smiling happily with what appears to be cake on their faces. The caption expressed how Smith was excited to marry her soulmate in the rain and how she is now a wife:

"I married my soulmate in the rain today. The best night of my life. I’m a whole wife, y’all!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️"

The couple announced the news in August this year and also revealed they had been engaged for more than a year.

WWE personalities congratulate the newly wed

Although the former NXT North American Champion left the company in 2021, it looks like he is still recognized by the roster.

In reply to the wedding announcement, the promotion's ring announcer Samantha Irvin expressed her love for the couple and congratulated them:

Besides Irvin, another backstage personality also greeted them with congratulations. Adam Pearce, the company's very own on-screen authority, happily greeted the newlyweds as well:

Another long-time WWE couple showed their support in the form of Natalya and TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd):

Aja's fellow referee, Eddie Orengo, also sent his best wishes:

Given that Leon has made several appearances on AEW, it's no wonder why someone from the company also greeted them. In a reply, Swerve Strickland also congratulated the husband and wife:

Although the newlyweds have some distance apart due to their work, it looks like this won't be a problem for them and they're only going stronger from here.

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