Where is Kevin Holtzer today? Whereabouts explored ahead of Murder in the Heartland on ID

ID's Murder in the Heartland, a highly gripping true crime show, is set to revisit and explore the heartwrenching murder case of Kalee Bruce in the latest episode 3 of the show's season 4. The episode will air exclusively on Investigation Discovery this Tuesday, April 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (ET).

ID's Murder in the Heartland, a highly gripping true crime show, is set to revisit and explore the heartwrenching murder case of Kalee Bruce in the latest episode 3 of the show's season 4. The episode will air exclusively on Investigation Discovery this Tuesday, April 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (ET).

The episode has been titled, Groomed for Murder. The official synopsis for the Murder in the Heartland episode, given by Investigation Discovery, reads:

"Tourist town Traverse City, Mich., is turned upside down when 18-year-old Kalee Bruce is bludgeoned to death at her workplace."

Kalee Bruce's spine-chilling case dates back to February 1998. She was brutally murdered at her place of work, the Beach Condominiums in Traverse City by a man named Kevin Holtzer. The murder rattled the entire city of Traverse.

Ever since the news of the episode was released by Investigation Discover, followers of Murder in the Heartland have been curious to learn all about what happened to the sinister murderer.

Murder in the Heartland new episode to focus on Kevin Holtzer, who is imprisoned at the Alger Correctional Facility

Who is Kevin Holtzer and what did he do?

A still of Kevin Holtzer (Image Via Michigan Department of Corrections)

The upcoming episode of Murder in the Heartland will shed light on Kevin Holtzer, a man from Traverse City, Michigan, who murdered an 18-year-old girl named Kalee Bruce in cold blood. Holtzer used to reside in one of the rooms at her workplace at the Beach Condominiums. The man had a bad reputation in the area for having a temper.

Reportedly, on February 16, 1998, Kevin Holtzer brutally assaulted 18-year-old Kalee and went on to bludgeon her to her death. The next day, her dead body was discovered by the maintenance supervisor.

According to The Cinemaholic, when the police arrived at the crime scene, they found Kalee's dead body amidst a lot of debris and blood. According to the autopsy report, the victim had nearly 19 lacerations, severe blunt force injuries, skull fractures, and internal bleeding. She also suffered strangulation.

What happened to Kevin Holtzer and where is he now?

Through a thorough and intense investigation, including multiple interviews, authorities found out about Holtzer after a tip disclosed that the footprints found in the blood at the crime scene matched the shoes he used to wear.

The police also learned that Kevin was an employee at a tire factory, and they found a tire valve core at the murder scene, which made him the prime suspect in the murder. Later on, Kevin's DNA was found in the tire valve. When the police looked for him, they learned that he had escaped the building within a week of the murder and had also stopped showing up at work.

Later on, authorities discovered that he attempted to flee on a train to Indiana under a fake name. However, he was arrested during a changeover in Chicago, Illinois. The police convicted him and in June 1999, he had to stand trial and pleaded guilty to first-degree murder just a few months later.

Kevin Holtzer was sentenced to life in prison by the court without any possibility of parole in the future. As stated in the prison records, he is currently 50 years of age and imprisoned at the Alger Correctional Facility in Munising, Michigan.

Don't forget to watch Murder in the Heartland season 4 episode 3, which airs on Investigation Discovery on Tuesday, April 10, 2023, at 7 pm ET.

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