Sex dolls based on Princess Diana, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle among most requested by kinky us

A leading adult toy company, Inferno, has revealed that some of their most requested celebrity sex dolls are Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle. However, the company's CEO, Ben Stroud, says that "taste" and "decency" prevent them from fulfilling these kinky requests.

A leading adult toy company, Inferno, has revealed that some of their most requested celebrity sex dolls are Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, and Meghan Markle. However, the company's CEO, Ben Stroud, says that "taste" and "decency" prevent them from fulfilling these kinky requests.

"We get requests for Princess Diana regularly, especially after the latest series of 'The Crown,' but we would never open ourselves up to accusations of cheapening her memory," Stroud told South West News Service.

While Inferno could make a lot of money from creating Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton dolls, Stroud says he is a royalist at heart and wouldn't do it just for the profit.

"If we were just motivated by money, we would create Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton dolls and see through sales who is the most popular, but at heart I am a royalist," he said.

Interestingly, Stroud says that the company is also inundated with requests for a Tom Hardy sex doll. "We get so many requests for a Tom Hardy doll, from men and women, and all over the world," Stroud enthused. He clarified that the company hasn't made a Tom Hardy doll yet but hopes the actor will partner with them to create an official product.

It's one of the most famous companies for adult content

Inferno uses breakthroughs in silicone engineering to create cutting-edge sex dolls based on real-life porn stars. Adult actor Thor Johnson, whose doll is one of the company's best-selling products, said, "I loved having a sex doll based on me. I loved the whole process of helping create it, and I am sure Tom Hardy will do too."

Inferno claims to be the world's biggest manufacturer of TPE and silicone dolls, which cost just under $1,000 for a custom-made creation. Some dolls can also be rented out for around $750 for a three-day play.

Although Inferno specializes in creating sex dolls based on porn stars, they do receive many requests for dolls based on celebrities, including Tupac. However, Stroud says they won't fulfill these requests either.

