Is Logan Paul a billionaire yet? 'The Maverick' talks about his business journey with KSI

Social media sensation Logan Paul is one of the most influential men in the entertainment sphere today. Bustling into the social media world with vlogging, the 28-year-old later extended his repertoire to acting and boxing. All these endeavors have made 'The Maverick' a very wealthy man.

Social media sensation Logan Paul is one of the most influential men in the entertainment sphere today.

Bustling into the social media world with vlogging, the 28-year-old later extended his repertoire to acting and boxing. All these endeavors have made 'The Maverick' a very wealthy man.

According to a report by Inside Sport, the YouTube superstar is worth around $245 million.

Although he has quite some ground to cover to reach the elusive one billion mark, it is not out of the realm of possibility, especially since his energy drink company PRIME, which he co-owns with KSI, is performing exquisitely in global markets.

As per KSI's manager, Mams Taylor, the hydration company could be worth a whopping $8-10 billion. PRIME sponsors many prominent athletes and organizations, including the UFC.

During a recent segment of BS w/ Jake Paul podcast, Logan spoke highly of his partnership with KSI, crediting it as a driving factor behind his success:

"I love what I do. It's so fun to me. I feel so good at the end of the day. I feel so grateful... Although I can point at a company that I own and can be proud of its success, I'm really not like a good businessman... I've partnered with the good businessman [KSI], who knows what they are good at, and we all kind of fill in the gaps and make this really good team... It's all a team."

Catch Logan Paul's comments below (25:03):

Logan Paul believes KSI will win against Tommy Fury

KSI vs. Tommy Fury will headline Misfits Boxing's The PRIME card on Saturday, October 14, at the AO Arena in Manchester, UK. Although most sportsbooks have 'TNT' as the favorite for the matchup, Logan Paul doesn't share the sentiment.

During a segment of the IMPAULSIVE podcast, the celebrity boxing star predicted his business partner to get the upset against Fury:

"I just feel like the simulation goes the other way. In this weird life that we are living in, it just makes sense that KSI wins that fight... In this weird simulation that we are living in, I just feel that KSI is going to get that dog in him."

Catch Logan Paul's comments below (0:18):

Paul will box Bellator fighter Dillon Danis in the co-headliner of the same card. Per FanDuel sportsbook, Paul is a -580 favorite for the matchup against 'El Jefe' (+450 underdog).

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