Is Harry Styles Gay?

As a former member of one of the most popular boybands of the 21st Century and now enjoying a successful solo career, there has been much speculation about Harry Styles sexuality in recent years. There is not a definitive answer to the question of Harry Styles sexuality. As to whether or not he is gay,

As a former member of one of the most popular boybands of the 21st Century and now enjoying a successful solo career, there has been much speculation about Harry Styles’ sexuality in recent years.

There is not a definitive answer to the question of Harry Styles’ sexuality. As to whether or not he is gay, prior relationships with celebrity women indicate that he is not, although he could be bisexual. Many have taken recent style choices, including wearing female clothing, as evidence that he is bisexual but there is not necessarily a correlation between personal style and sexual orientation. When asked directly, Styles has declined to confirm or deny the rumors, stressing that he feels it is unimportant.

For more information about Harry Styles’ past public relationships and some of the reasons for all the speculation about his sexuality, keep reading.

His Past Relationships

For all the speculation about Harry’s sexuality, his romantic history includes some of the most famous women in the world.

His first A-list relationship was with Taylor Swift, a relatively brief pairing that might still have been responsible for a number of songs released by both Harry and Taylor. He apparently also dated Kendall Jenner, with numerous sightings together throughout the years.

Combine this with the paparazzi snapping Harry alongside several Victoria’s Secret models including Camille Row, Sara Sampaio, and Nadine Leopold. Based on history alone, it seems extremely unlikely that Styles is gay, especially when there has been no public indication of him being intimate with another man and many examples with women. 

Why So Much Speculation?

There doesn’t appear to be one particular moment that started the rumors about Harry’s sexuality but a couple of things have fuelled the speculation.

He is a vocal supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, keen to promote a sense of inclusivity and safety for everybody attending his concerts. This includes holding up rainbow-colored Pride flags onstage. It’s a major leap to assume that showing support for the community is a clear indication of Harry’s own sexuality.

If there’s any kind of confirmation from Styles himself, it might be a moment at a Los Angeles concert in 2018. Harry spotted a sign in the crowd reading “I’m gay and I love you” and answered back “We’re all a little bit gay, aren’t we?”

Again, this moment shouldn’t be taken as definitive evidence of Harry’s sexuality one way or another. Similarly, his style choices should probably be taken for nothing more meaningful than what they are. There is a sense of ambiguity in his outfit choices, with lace, frills, earrings, and heels making appearances at public events.

He is far from the first musician to wear clothing that defies traditional gender boundaries and he’s keen to stress that his choices shouldn’t be taken as an answer to the speculation about him.

Is Harry Bisexual?

It’s impossible to know Styles’ sexual orientation either way. We can say with confidence that he probably isn’t gay, based on his extensive relationship history, but whether or not he is bisexual is a different matter. Only one person knows the real answer to that question and he’s remaining tight-lipped.

When asked directly whether or not he’s bisexual, Harry seemed uninterested in giving a clear answer. He was keen to stress that he isn’t sprinkling sexual ambiguity into his public persona in an attempt to be more interesting, nor is he intentionally keeping a secret from his fans.

Instead, Harry feels that it’s ultimately an unimportant question and that there’s no real reason for anybody to define his sexuality in such terms. As he has spoken about feeling as though traditional definitions of orientation are outdated and essentially unnecessary, maybe the truth isn’t that he’s refusing to provide the public with an answer to their question. Perhaps the reality is far simpler: that there is no answer.

