Inanna Sarkis pregnant with model boyfriend Matthew Noszka! Find about their three years relationshi

Update 2022: Sarkis gave birth to her first child a daughter named Nova on November 12, 2020, with partner Matthew Noszka. She wrote, 6 months and counting @voguemagazine Similarly, she shared another post and wrote,

Inanna Sarkis pregnant with model boyfriend Matthew Noszka! Find about their three years relationship
  • On 19th May 2020, Inanna Sarkis revealed her pregnancy news through her Instagram account.
  • Inanna shared topless pictures with her boyfriend Matthew Noszka.
  • She revealed that she is currently six months pregnant.

Update 2022: Sarkis gave birth to her first child a daughter named Nova on November 12, 2020, with partner Matthew Noszka.

She wrote,

“6 months and counting… @voguemagazine”

Similarly, she shared another post and wrote,

“YES! My best friend & I are really having a baby!!!! ???????? @voguemagazine”

Matthew also made a similar post on his Instagram. They are expecting their first child and home prepping for their new arrival and enjoying a rare break in their schedules. Inanna said,

“You don’t realize how little you actually need to be happy until you take a step back from the craziness and just be in the moment with each other.”

Inanna is looking forward to the big little memories with her baby. She said,

“I’m looking forward to teaching my little one all the things I’ve learned over the years. I can’t wait to see them take their first steps, or say their first words. I’m so excited to be that annoying mom that embarrasses their kid because she wants to capture every moment!”

Also read Is Khloe Kardashian pregnant second time with ex-boyfriend Tristan Thompson’s baby?

Matthew Noszka and Inanna Sarkis relationship

Matthew Noszka and Inanna Sarkis are dating for a while. They met each other at the premiere of Robert Pattinson’s crime drama, Good Time. They were introduced by their agent. Since then they are together.

Inanna revealed that she fell in love with his generosity whereas Matthew loved her dedication and drive. They have celebrated their third valentine together. They often share pictures of each other on their Instagram. Their love is going strong. Matthew said,

“Inanna is the hardest working person I’ve ever met,”

He added,

“She has so many amazing qualities but her dedication and drive to what lights her fire is what I admire most.”

Due to the ongoing coronavirus, they have been facing some problems with restrictions on travel and within hospitals. Inanna hopes that all this ends soon. They are quarantining together and have found ways to keep their style intact. She and her boyfriend are walking around in Calvin Klein underwear all day because of its comfort. They are spending time chilling in the poolside together.

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Short bio on Matthew Noszka

Matthew Noszka is an American actor, entrepreneur, and supermodel. He was discovered on Instagram by a top New York model manager in 2014. Read more bio…

Short bio on Inanna Sarkis

Inanna Sarkis is a Canadian Vine Star, actress, and a social media personality who is immensely popular for her work as a Vine star with a lot of fan following on her Vine account.

Also, she is known for being a writer and director of the short film Aura. Read more bio…

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