How to defeat Valiant Gargoyle

Elden Ring is chock-full of fun and unique bosses for players to battle and eventually succeed in defeating. FromSoftware has created some of the most memorable bosses for their latest open-world magnum opus.

Valiant Gargoyle is one of the most challenging mid-game encounters in Elden Ring (Image via FromSoftware)

Elden Ring is chock-full of fun and unique bosses for players to battle and eventually succeed in defeating. FromSoftware has created some of the most memorable bosses for their latest open-world magnum opus.

Main story bosses like Godrick, Starscourge Radahn, Hoarah Loux, Maliketh and Malenia, and Blade of Miquella, are among the best and possibly hardest bosses the developer has ever created.

However, since the game is an open-world experience, it boasts some enjoyable and challenging boss encounters apart from the main story ones. Optional bosses like Ancient Dragon Lansseax, Lichdragon Frotissax, Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast, and Valiant Gargoyle are some of the most challenging encounters players will face during their journey through the Lands Between.

This article will focus on Valiant Gargoyle, who, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the hardest mid-game encounters in Elden Ring.

How to reach and defeat Valiant Gargoyle boss in Elden Ring

Although defeating Valiant Gargoyle is quite tough, reaching the boss is equally as daunting, which requires gamers to partake in one of the longest questlines in Elden Ring. They need to follow Ranni's questline up to the point of reaching Nokron, Eternal City.

Players need to follow the following steps to reach the Valiant Gargoyle:

  • They have to initiate Ranni's questline after defeating the Royal Knight Loretta boss in Caria Manor and talking to Ranni, accepting her quest.
  • Proceed with her questline up to defeating Starscourge Radahn at Redmane Castle in Caelid. This opens up a path to the hidden city of Nokron.
  • Users should make their way to Nokron, accessible via the huge gaping hole beside Fort Haight.
  • After making their way to the first site of grace in Nokron, Eternal City, they will need to proceed towards the first boss of the area, the Mimic Tear.
  • Mimic Tear is a replica of the gamer's tarnished avatar, down to the equipped sorceries, incantations, and consumables.
  • Defeating the boss opens up the path to the Siofra Aqueduct, in lower levels of Nokron, which houses the Valiant Gargoyle.
  • Readers must be mindful of the two Crucible Knights while making their way to the Valiant Gargoyle boss that roams the Siofra Aqueducts area. It is highly recommended to take the Knights out beforehand to make repeat runs through the place much easier in case of dying at the boss.

Defeating Valiant Gargoyle in Elden Ring

The Valiant Gargoyle boss fight starts relatively easy as managing a single gargoyle is a fairly straightforward affair of dodging through its sword thrusts and slams and attacking its legs. However, mid-battle, another Gargoyle joins in (akin to the Bell Gargoyle boss in the original Dark Souls), making the fight substantially more challenging.

Both the gargoyles, although looking identical, boast an entirely different set of weapons and movesets, which will constantly keep players on their toes. The bosses are also capable of dishing out massive amounts of damage with each hit and combined with their poison breath attack, they become a force to be reckoned with.

However, like any other boss, Valian Gargoyle has its own weaknesses, which users can exploit to gain the upper hand in battle. The boss can easily be stance broken using a combination of jumping and charged heavy attacks, allowing them to deal massive damage using a critical attack.

While the boss is immune to most ailments, it is weak to Fire, Lightning, and Holy attacks, which gamers can imbue with their weapons to maximize the damage against the boss. Sorceries and incantations also do a good amount of damage to Valiant Gargoyle.

Players might also find it helpful to use powerful summons like the Mimic Tear or any other legendary summons that can trade blows with the boss. And most importantly, they should not lose faith.

The boss is built around the idea of managing multiple powerful enemies at the same time, which essentially prepares users for the late-game areas of Elden Ring.

The Valiant Gargoyle might seem undefeatable with a flurry of attacks from the two gigantic gargoyles. However, with enough practice, upgraded gear, and perseverance, gamers can easily defeat the boss.

Elden Ring might present some of the most challenging situations and battles, but none are unfair.

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