Gerard Butler on SNL: cheesy, silly, dumb or charming?

Gerard & Kristen Wiig spoof Beauty & the Beast Gerard & Seth Meyers on Weekend Update: I was expecting Gerard Butlers hosting gig on Saturday Night Live to be like Christmas. I am, after all, a total Butlerholic, a Gerard-loonie, a complete addict for anything involving my favorite Scotsman. I had been counting down the

Gerard & Kristen Wiig spoof “Beauty & the Beast”

Gerard & Seth Meyers on “Weekend Update”:

I was expecting Gerard Butler’s hosting gig on Saturday Night Live to be like Christmas. I am, after all, a total Butlerholic, a Gerard-loonie, a complete addict for anything involving my favorite Scotsman. I had been counting down the days, hours and minutes until Gerry appeared. Now… it’s not that I was really disappointed. But I was surprised at just how cheesy and silly Gerard was as host.

I give him credit for being game for anything and for doing an okay job with all of the accents he had to do (sort of – he basically just did his own Scottish accent and a couple of American accents, but it might be hard for him). But I don’t think I ever realized just how dorky he is. He’s dorky in the same way Hugh Jackman is dorky – Gerard came across like a musical theater geek, a guy who wants to be a showman, a guy who will do anything for a laugh. It’s a great, funny, interesting quality to have. I just thought Gerard was a lot “cooler” than that. I was wrong. He’s totally dorky. Still hot. Just more accessible, I think.

It didn’t help that the first skit of the night was pretty much the weakest. Nothing about “Obama and health care” really screams “broad comedy” to me, and apparently the SNL writers couldn’t find anything funny about it either. The Rock Obama fell flat, and I was already praying for the show to be over. I didn’t really care for Gerard’s opening monologue either, except Kristen Wiig telling Gerard to take off his shirt. Speaking of Wiig, why was she in nearly every skit? It was weird. I like her and everything, but I wanted more Gerard.

But I did like several of the skits – they didn’t have me rolling around in tears, but I chuckled at some. I enjoyed “Daveheart”, especially when Gerard screamed in terror when he saw the goat (“I thought it was a dragon”). The 300 “Don’t ask, don’t tell” skit was mildly amusing, but my favorite sight-gag barely got a chuckle from the audience. I loved when King Leonidas was told “Forty percent of Sparta doesn’t believe you were born in Greece.” Leonidas pulls out his “birth certificate” on a stone tablet. Gerard’s appearance on Weekend Update was also funny, but Seth Meyers was the one with all of the funny lines. Great joke about prostitutes, especially given the blind item that many think is about Gerard and working girls.

Here’s one question I have – is Gerard Butler dating James Franco? For the first three episodes of SNL, the host’s significant other came on for a “cameo” in at least one skit. For Megan Fox, Brian Austin Green showed up. For Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett Johansson came on. With Drew Barrymore, Justin Long did his best Matthew McConaughey. But Gerard doesn’t have a significant other to show off… or does he? James Franco showed up in that weird “What Up With That?” skit and didn’t even get to say a word. Now, I’m not objective enough about Gerard to really have any kind of gaydar about him, but the Franco-Butler hookup theory is an interesting one, isn’t it?

Considering everyone seems to love to hate Saturday Night Live this season, I’m assuming I was alone in even my mild amusement. Still, when you judge the show, don’t judge my Gerry too harshly – he did the best he could!

Photos below courtesy NBC

