FBI is involved in search for Julian King, Jennifer Hudsons nephew

Jennifer Hudson with her mother and sister in an undated photo The search for Jennifer Hudsons 7-year old nephew, Julian King, is ongoing and an Amber Alert has gone out over Illinois state lines. The Chicago police have requested the help of the FBI since it is possible the boy was taken out of the

Jennifer Hudson with her mother and sister in an undated photo

The search for Jennifer Hudson’s 7-year old nephew, Julian King, is ongoing and an Amber Alert has gone out over Illinois state lines. The Chicago police have requested the help of the FBI since it is possible the boy was taken out of the state. The FBI has the ability to get involved in a missing child case regardless of whether the child has been taken across state lines, so even though there is no evidence to suggest Julian King has been taken out of state, the FBI is assisting.

FBI have joined the search

The FBI joined the search Saturday for the 7-year-old nephew of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson, still missing a day after the bodies of Hudson’s mother and brother were found in the actress’ childhood home.

A suspect in the deaths remained in custody Saturday, but young Julian King had not been seen since the bodies of Darnell Donerson, 57, and Jason Hudson, 29, were found Friday afternoon.

Because of the possibility the boy may have been taken across state lines, police spokesman John Mirabelli said the FBI has been asked to assist in the search. FBI spokesman Ross Rice confirmed the agency was helping to look for the child, but he declined to provide details.

[From MSN]

Suspect is in custody, has not been charged
William Balfour, the estranged husband of Jennifer’s sister Julia, is still in custody but has not yet been charged with anything. He is not cooperating with police. Balfour’s exact relationship to Julian has not been confirmed, but he is not the child’s father, according to Julia’s statements in a press conference. She would not discuss whether he is the boy’s step-father. Balfour is married to, but separated from, Julia, the boy’s mother.

The search for Julian King includes more than the Chicago police and the FBI. Local religious and community leaders are organziing volunteers to do whatever they can, as well.

Police are “looking everywhere” for the boy, including returning to the scene of the murders, Bond said. She would not comment on the cooperation of the suspect, saying that police consider him only a person of interest, and added they are talking to others as well.

Community leaders called for a hundred volunteers to meet in front of the Hudson family house at 3 p.m. today to search for the missing boy.

“We want a posse of men and women and religious leaders to help find that child before sundown,” said Ziff Sistrunk, an Englewood community activist. “We need to find this kid.”

The police continue to look a white Chevrolet Suburban, license plate number X584859, in connection with the crime but they have located the teal car they included in the original alert yesterday. She declined to say where that vehicle was located.

[From Chicago Tribune]

The Amber Alert for Julian King describes the boy as an African American male, age 7, height 4’11”, weight 130 lbs, with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a brown polo shirt with stripes and khaki pants. Suspect vehicle is a white 1994 Chevrolet Suburban, Illinois registration, X584859. Anyone with information should call 9-1-1 and advise they have an Amber Alert report.

Julia Hudson pleads for safe return of her son
Text below by Celebitchy: Julia Hudson held a press conference yesterday in which she plead for her son’s safe return. She said that she knew her son was out there and begged that he be returned safely. Julian’s father, Greg King, stood next to her.

Julia described Julian as a very good, sensitive, smart boy who would rather stay home to read and study than go out and play. She said that he was particularly close to his grandmother, and described her as his primary caregiver, which makes this tragedy especially hard for that little boy.

Julia said that her famous sister Jennifer had flown out to Chicago immediately after hearing about the murders and said that she was with her, although Jennifer did not appear on camera. She said that “Despite her being who she is, she is still my sister.” She said that Jennifer was screaming when she had to break the news to her over the phone and that they are all in a state of shock.

William Balfour was involved in a feud with the family over a car
According to news reports, Julia was upset that Balfour had sold a car that was hers. A neighbor told TMZ that “the dispute got so heated William threatened to ‘kill Julia’s family’ but she didn’t report it because she didn’t take it seriously.” Although Balfour is still in custody he has not yet been charged. Police have interviewed other people who may have knowledge of the crime a connection to the victims.

The only thing that is any consolation in this incredibly sad story is that it has received national attention due to the fact that it’s Jennifer Hudson’s family. Hopefully the media’s focus on this missing little boy will help bring him back to his family safe and sound.

Photos thanks to the Chicago Sun Times

Victim Jason Hudson:

Another photo of Julian King:

