Daniel Pinder gives some story on his tattoos

Daniel Pinder, American actor, whose thousands of fans are always asking about his tattoos and what they mean to him. Pinder isnt one to hide his ink and he doesnt plan to stop getting tattoos anytime soon.

Daniel Pinder, American actor, whose thousands of fans are always asking about his tattoos and what they mean to him. Pinder isn’t one to hide his ink and he doesn’t plan to stop getting tattoos anytime soon.

“Tattoos have been a way for me to literally wear my heart on my sleeve and I don’t plan to stop getting them anytime soon. Just like the scars on my skin, each tattoo has a story to tell and each is very special to me. I have scars on my body from skateboarding and other experiences in my life and I have tattoos as well. My body is my journal and I’m going to keep writing.”

Pinder’s first tattoo was a skateboard. He says skateboarding helped not only keep him out of trouble while growing up in North Dakota but also helped him land his first television role. ” I met most of my closest friends through skateboarding. They have become my brothers and each of them has a significant impact on my life. Some of my best memories are on that board and I wouldn’t be who I am without it. It’s funny how a hobby can play such a big part of your life!

From here up to his shoulder, he has a forest scene that shares the space of a stag and an angel wing. Pinder says these were tattoos for his grandparents. ” I got my stag and my angel wing done for my grandparents who I, unfortunately, lost in the past two years. Even though I have these tattoos for the world to see, I’m going to keep the reasoning to myself and my family. It’s too personal.”

On his right ribcage and the only tattoo on his right side, Pinder has a massive lion tattoo. He says this is the only tattoo he will ever have on his right side. ” The lion was my second tattoo and is still my biggest piece. When I was younger, I had somebody in my life who played a really negative role who called me their lamb and I wanted something that killed lambs. I guess you can say I was thrown into the “lion’s den” at a very young age. I connect with everything a lion stands for and I plan on having my lion to be the only tattoo on that side of my body.”

Daniel is gearing up for his movies Soul Drift and Garrison 7: The Fallen that start filming this year. You can find Pinder on his Instagram that boasts over 100,000 followers or you can find him spending time creating memories to wear on his sleeve.

