Bears OT Darnell Wright lashes out at OnlyFans model Alison for failed attempt at 2023 NFL Draft

Chicago Bears OT Darnell Wright had an interesting response to an OnlyFans model's DM. The 2023 NFL draft began with a mysterious OnlyFans model reaching out to prospects through their social media accounts. As the story blew up, the model (called Alison) ended up sharing a selected reply from Wright on her verified Twitter account.

Chicago Bears OT Darnell Wright had an interesting response to an OnlyFans model's DM.

The 2023 NFL draft began with a mysterious OnlyFans model reaching out to prospects through their social media accounts. As the story blew up, the model (called Alison) ended up sharing a selected reply from Wright on her verified Twitter account.

On March 29, Alison shared a screenshot of her Twitter DMs. Apparently, the OnlyFans model had messaged every offensive line NFL draft prospect.

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Apart from Wright, Alison reached out to players like Dawand Jones, Anton Harrison, Steve Avila, Luke Wypler and Cody Mauch. However, she provided an update of a reply from Wright. The Bears rookie was seemingly unimpressed, calling the OnlyFans model out.

A day later, Alison shared his response:

Alison on Twitter
"Stankin b**ch," Wright wrote.

Probably being sarcastic, Alison added a caption:

"It's going very well."

There is no way to confirm if Wright actually responded to Alison's message, which simply read 'hey.' In her earlier screenshot, it was clear that the young model had texted different messages to different athletes.

The OnlyFans model Darnell Wright responded to seems to be a Green Bay Packers fan

Considering her tweets, one can guess that the model is a Green Bay Packers fan.

In her message to Steve Avila, she added that she hopes he gets picked by the Packers.

Furthermore, she continued to tweet about Darnell Wright, referring to him as the player who insulted her.

In fact, Wright being drafted by the Bears seemed to play in on the longstanding rivalry between the Bears and the Packers.

Going by the username 'AmericanHussy' on Twitter, Alison has over 32,000 followers on Twitter.

Alison reportedly spoke to the Daily Star about the messages she sent. Apparently, it was a joke. She even confirmed that she is a Packers fan.

"It was a joke for the girls in my group chat and I think it’s very funny that Darnell Wright wrote that back," she explained. "He did just get drafted by my team’s arch rival though so I have to be a hater now."

Additionally, Alison has made her conversation with Darnell Wright her header image on Twitter for now.

Keeping her identity a secret due to her family, Alison revealed that she had just messaged NFL stars for the first time.

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