All 9 stone locations and uses

To complete the Genshin Impact quest titled Says He Who Seeks Stone, players are tasked with finding three Archaic Stones. If players collect an additional six, they can also give these stones to Muning for even more rewards. The total rewards for collecting all nine Archaic Stones include:

To complete the Genshin Impact quest titled Says He Who Seeks Stone, players are tasked with finding three Archaic Stones. If players collect an additional six, they can also give these stones to Muning for even more rewards. The total rewards for collecting all nine Archaic Stones include:

  • 60 Primogems
  • 90,000 Mora
  • 450 Adventure EXP
  • 20 Liyue Reputation EXP

These nine stones are scattered throughout the overworld section of The Chasm. The item of the same name obtained through Act II of Zhongli's Story is not used in this quest or its Hidden Exploration Objective.

All nine Archaic Stone locations in Genshin Impact

A general map of all nine locations (Image via HoYoverse)

The above image depicts all nine locations at one glance. Read on to learn about their specific locations in more depth. The order in which Travelers collect these items is irrelevant, and there aren't any particular gimmicks to obtaining them other than breaking open a rock like any other mining material.

Travelers can obtain all nine stones before returning to Muning to finish the quest and the related Hidden Exploration Objective. Collecting three, turning them in, and returning to collect the rest will not be required.

Location 1 (North of Fuao Vale)

The first location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

The northernmost location is in Fuao Vale, on a cliff near some Qingxin. There is a Geo Elemental Monument nearby, but it's not required to access this area.

Location 2 (Fuao Vale)

The second location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

This spot is underground. Genshin Impact players can access it by:

  • Teleporting to The Lost Valley Domain
  • Jumping down the nearby hole
  • Blowing up the wall behind the Luxurious Chest
  • Proceeding down that path and sticking to the left path shortly afterward
  • There is a Hilichurl near this Archaic Stone, making its location pretty easy to spot once the player is there.

    Location 3 (West of The Surface)

    The third location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    This Archaic Stone location is another that's on a cliff near some Qingxin. There isn't much to say about it, except that Travelers should be prepared to climb a little to get there.

    Location 4 (North of Glaze Peak)

    The fourth location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    Genshin Impact players will find this Archaic Stone on another cliff, overseeing some Geo Crystalflies. The nearby Teleport Waypoint should assist Travelers in getting here quickly.

    Location 5 (Northwest of Tiangong Gorge)

    The fifth location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    This Archaic Stone location stands out from the usual spots one would find this item. Here, Genshin Impact players will need to jump down a cliff to see a rock pillar and an upward current. Near that rock pillar is the Archaic Stone.

    Location 6 (South of Cinnabar Cliff)

    The sixth location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    Travelers who completed The Millennial Mountains quest in Genshin Impact should recognize this spot as it's not too far away from the Farsight Flower's location. Other than that, it's yet another cliff for players to climb.

    Location 7 (West of Glaze Peak)

    The seventh location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    This spot is pretty straightforward. The rock is out in the open, near some Geo Crystalflies. Its glow should help it stick out to Genshin Impact players who might otherwise miss it.

    Location 8 (South of Tiangong Gorge)

    The eighth location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    Travelers must head to the south of Tiangong Gorge to find this stone. It's near several other ores, but its shiny blue color should identify it. There are a few enemies nearby, but it's not too troublesome to handle.

    Location 9 (South of Glaze Peak)

    The ninth location, as it appears in the game and on the map (Image via HoYoverse)

    The final location to look for these stones in Genshin Impact is south of Glaze Peak. It's on yet another cliff, although its close proximity to the border of the explorable world can make it easy to miss. There are some Exploding Geo Mushrooms nearby, but they're easy to avoid.

    Using the Archaic Stones in Genshin Impact

    Talk to Muning to turn them in (Image via HoYoverse)

    Using the Archaic Stones in Genshin Impact is as simple as returning to Muning to turn them in. Turn three of them in to complete Says He Who Seeks Stone, and turn in another six to complete Muning's Hidden Exploration Objective.

    Note: The Archaic Stone from Zhongli's second Story Quest isn't used here.

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