7 Rock and Rollers who Went from Overweight to Completely Toned

Sometimes the entertainment industry is just as much about looks as it is about talent especially for high energy rock and rollers. When most people think about the most famous actors, musicians, or athletes, they often think of someone with a great face and a great body. However, just like in the real world

Kelly Osbourne at the inspiration gala

Sometimes the entertainment industry is just as much about looks as it is about talent – especially for high energy rock and rollers.  When most people think about the most famous actors, musicians, or athletes, they often think of someone with a great face and a great body.  However, just like in the real world – everyone doesn’t always fit into that image. It’s no secret that over the years there have been more than a few celebrities who have struggled with their weight. For these rock and rollers, getting fit proved to be a necessity for both health and style purposes.  After battling with themselves, these high energy musicians decided once and for all to that it was time to let go of the extra baggage.  Here are 10 rock and rollers who went from overweight to completely toned.

Thad Beatty

Thad Beatty

Thad Beatty may not be one of the most recognizable names in rock music, but after hearing his story you’ll probably never forget him. As the guitarist for the band, Sugarland, Beatty was once overweight and unhealthy. According to Beatty, by 2010, he was weighing 230 pounds, and as a result was dealing with some health issues that were sure to get worse if he didn’t get his act together. However, it wasn’t until his mother was diagnosed with colon cancer that he decided to really take his health serious and start shedding some pounds. Beatty made drastic changes to his lifestyle, including becoming a vegan, and competing in intense Ironman competitions. Now feeling better than ever, Beatty plans on staying healthy for the rest of his life.

Luc Carl

Luc Carl posing at a race

Rock and roller Luc Carl is far more well-known for being Lady Gaga’s ex-boyfriend than he is for anything else. However, his personal struggles go deeper than any relationship. Once overweight, Carl was unhappy with himself and knew that he had to make a change. Eventually he decided he “had enough of being chubby” and he decided to get his act together. However, anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that the entire process is much easier said than done. Once he decided that losing weight was his main priority Luc began exercising and eating healthy. He also realized that cutting alcohol out of his diet would be a major step in helping him get to where he wanted to be.

image via https://twitter.com/LyndaFigueredo

Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams at Britt Awards

British rock and roller, Robbie Williams, is one of the many stars whose weight has gone up and down over the course of his career. In 2013; however, Williams decided to get serious about his weightless, and shed the fat to put on a ton of muscle. According to Williams, “I went on a diet. Knocked out sugar (processed) and dairy…. Lost 24 pounds in five weeks. I was looking like Geoff Capes after the Christmas run.. and seeing as 40 is just around the corner it’s time to go all yoga and lentils… or who knows where it could all end.” Well, it should go without saying that he definitely made the right choice.

 (Photo by Eamonn McCormack/Getty Images)

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne in Australia

Kelly Osbourne isn’t just the star of one of the most well-known rock and rollers in the industry, but she’s also a star in her own right. Aside from being a co-host on the view, Osbourne has also released some music of her own. For many years, Osbourne’s weight held her back as she fought to keep the pounds off. However, in recent years, Osbourne has slimed down quite a bit, and it’s definitely a great look for her. Although her weight has gone up and down, she always seems determined to get back to where she wants to be.

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Jared Leto

Jared Leto at the Oscars

Unlike other stars who have been overweight, Jared Leto’s situation was different. Leto had gained a significant amount of weight while getting in character for a movie. However, Leto refused to let things linger for long, and once he was done having to on set, he decided to start working off the bounds. And maybe, if he could put the sweets down, he might actually be able to get some work done.

(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Boy George

(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Boy George is definitely one of the most unique names in the industry. Although he was never shockingly overweight, he definitely did have a few pounds to spare. George began dieting and exercising, and he eventually lost so much weight that people who had worked with him in the past couldn’t even recognize him. According to sources, he works out five times a day and has a schedule that he can easy look it if she has a quick question about something.

(Photo by Anthony Harvey/Getty Images)

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi at Kensington Palace

Jon Bonjovi is definitely one of the biggest rock and rollers in the industry, and he has a very diverse fan base. According to sources Bon Jovi stated, “I’m vain inasmuch as I think I’m terribly out of shape right now. If you want to be perfectly honest, I’m 10lb overweight and I’m drinking too much and I’m bored to tears.” Although he was able to lose the weight, Bon Jovi has also struggled with keeping it off. However, like the rest of the stars on this list, with a little hard work these people can all be shining like new money.

(Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

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